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Artykuły naukowe

  1. Mirosław Ochodek and Batuhan Ozgok: Functional and Non-functional Size Measurement with IFPUG FPA and SNAP — Case Study In: Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference 2015 (CSOC2015), Vol 3: Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems, vol. 349, pp. 19-33, Springer International Publishing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2015.

  2. Jakub Jurkiewicz, Piotr Kosiuczenko, Lech Madeyski, Mirosław Ochodek, Cezary Orłowski, and Łukasz Radliński: Recent Polish achievements in Software Engineering In: Software Engineering from Research and Practice Perspective, ed. by Lech Madeyski, Mirosław Ochodek. Polish Information Processing Society Scientific Council, chap. 1, pp. 15-38. 2014.

  3. Jerzy Nawrocki, Mirosław Ochodek, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Sylwia Kopczyńska, and Bartosz Alchimowicz: Agile Requirements Engineering: A Research Perspective In: SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ed. by Geffert, Viliam and Preneel, Bart and Rovan, Branislav and Štuller, Július and Tjoa, AMin, vol. 8327, pp. 40-51, Springer. 2014.

  4. Jakub Jurkiewicz, Jerzy Nawrocki, Mirosław Ochodek, and Tomasz Głowacki: HAZOP-based identification of events in use cases Empirical Software Engineering, 20(1):82-109. 2013.

  5. Sylwia Kopczyńska, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Mirosław Ochodek: Software development studio; Bringing industrial environment to a classroom In: Software Engineering Education based on Real-World Experiences (EduRex), 2012 First International Workshop on, pp. 13-16. 2012.

  6. Bartosz Alchimowicz and Jerzy Nawrocki: Generating syntax diagrams from regular expressions Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences , 36(2):81-97 . 2011.

  7. Bartosz Alchimowicz, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Miroslaw Ochodek: Towards Use-Cases Benchmark In: Software Engineering Techniques: Third IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference, CEE-SET 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, October 2008, Revised Selected Papers, ed. by Huzar Z., Koci R., Meyer B., Walter B., Zendulka J., vol. 4980, pp. 20-33, Springer Verlag. Lecture Notest in Computer Science. 2011.

  8. Mirosław Ochodek, Bartosz Alchimowicz, Jakub Jurkiewicz, and Jerzy Nawrocki: Improving the reliability of transaction identification in use cases Information and Software Technology, 53(8):885--897. 2011.

  9. Mirosław Ochodek, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Kamil Kwarciak: Simplifying effort estimation based on Use Case Points Information and Software Technology, 53(3):200-213. 2011.

  10. Bartosz Alchimowicz, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Mirosław Ochodek, and Jerzy Nawrocki: Building Benchmarks for Use Cases Computing and Informatics, 29(1):27-44. 2010.


Książki współtworzone, współedytowane

  1. Lech Madeyski and Mirosław Ochodek: Software Engineering from Research and Practice Perspective Polish Information Processing Society Scientific Council. Scientific Papers of the Polish Information Processing Society Scientific Council. (ISBN: 978-83-63919-16-0). 2014.

  2. Lech Madeyski and Mirosław Ochodek: Inżynieria oprogramowania: badania i praktyka Rada Naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego. Zeszyty Rady Naukowej Polskiego Towarzystwa Informatycznego. (ISBN: 978-83-63919-15-3). 2014.

  3. Zbigniew Huzar, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Marcin Szpyrka: Software Engineering Techniques in Progress AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Kraków. 2009.

  4. Tomas Hruska, Lech Madeyski, and Mirosław Ochodek: Software Engineering Techniques in Progress Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej. 2008.

  5. Bertrand Meyer, Jerzy R Nawrocki, and Bartosz Walter: Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Engineering, Second IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques, CEE-SET 2007, Poznan, Poland, October 10-12, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer, vol. 5082. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008.


Raporty techniczne

  1. Bartosz Michalik and Mirosław Ochodek: RA-01/10: Supporting Architecture Elaboration. A Use-Case-Based Checklist Politechnika Poznańska. 2010.

  2. Mirosław Ochodek: RA 04/10: Constructing Partial Domain-Models for Functional Size Measurement with TTPoints Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science. 2010.

  3. Mirosław Ochodek: RA-014/08: Transactional Use Case Points Politechnika Poznańska. 2008.

  4. Łukasz Olek: RA-03/08: Generating Acceptance Tests from Use Cases Politechnika Poznańska. 2008.

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