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Sylwia Kopczyńska

Areas of Interest

  • Project Management
  • Requirements Engineering

Contact Information

Institute of Computing Science 
Poznan University of Technology 
ul. Piotrowo 2 
60-965 POZNAN, Poland 

Building of Technical Library, Room 2.7.8
Phone +48 61 665 29 44

E-mail: Sylwia.Kopczynska [at]


Scientific papers

  1. Jerzy Nawrocki, Mirosław Ochodek, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Sylwia Kopczyńska, and Bartosz Alchimowicz: Agile Requirements Engineering: A Research Perspective In: SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ed. by Geffert, Viliam and Preneel, Bart and Rovan, Branislav and Štuller, Július and Tjoa, AMin, vol. 8327, pp. 40-51, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014.

  2. Sylwia Kopczyńska, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Mirosław Ochodek: Software development studio; Bringing industrial environment to a classroom In: Software Engineering Education based on Real-World Experiences (EduRex), 2012 First International Workshop on, pp. 13 -16. 2012.

  3. Sylwia Kopczyńska, Michał Maćkowiak, and Jerzy Nawrocki: Non-functional Requirements Elicitation Based on ISO 9126 In: Software Engineering Techniques in Progress, ed. by Huzar Z., Nawrocki J., Szpyrka M., pp. 169-179, AGH University of Science and Technology Press. 2009.

  4. Jerzy Nawrocki, Wojciech Complak, Jacek Błażewicz, Sylwia Kopczyńska, and Michał Maćkowiak: The Knapsack-Lightening problem and its application to scheduling HRT tasks Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, 57:71-77. 2009.

  5. Sylwia Kopczyńska, Michał Maćkowiak, and Jerzy Nawrocki: The Latest Multimedia and Communications Techniques in Elearning Systems Information Technologies, Volume 16:445-450. 2008.


Technical reports

  1. Sylwia Kopczyńska, Michał Maćkowiak, and Jerzy Nawrocki: Multimedia-supported Elicitation of Non-functional Requirements Poznan University of Technology, Technical Report RA-08/08. 2008.



  1. Sylwia Kopczyńska and Michał Maćkowiak: On-the-fly documentation for software development meetings Master Thesis, Poznan University of Technology. 2008.


Other publications

  1. Bartosz Michalik, Sylwia Kopczyńska, Michał Maćkowiak, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Mirosław Ochodek: Evaluation of the Technical Drama Efficiency. A Case Study on Teaching ATAM in Academic Environment Miscellaneous publication, Poster at ESEM 2009. 2009.

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