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Enhancing Use-Case-Based Effort Estimation with Transaction Types (presentation)

Recently we have conducted some research regarding use-case-based effort estimation. Results were presented at CEE-SET'09 conference. If you would like to read how knowledge about use-case transactions semantics can help in estimating effort, go ahead and see the presentation. If you like the idea you can find more information in the paper.

Recently we have conducted research regarding use-case-based effort estimation. Results were presented at CEE-SET'09 conference.

The idea was to investigate whether it is possible to understand the semantics of transactions in use cases. In other words to answer the question: are we able to "name" the goal of transactions we are observing in use cases.

If we could name goals of transactions, we would be able to build a collection of transaction types. In that case it could help to indentify transactions, just because transaction-type reveals the reason (actor intensions) for interaction (you know what to look for in your specification). Morever different types of functionality (and potentially different types of transactions) are from their nature easier or more difficult to be implemented. Transaction types could also provide information about the type of a system you are building at early stage of your project.

And here the story of effort estimation begins ...

If you would like to know how knowledge about use-case transactions semantics help in estimating effort, go ahead and see the presentation at the bottom of this page (you can display notes - button at bottom-right). If you like the idea you can find more information in the paper.

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