Referential Specifications - Use-Case Benchmark
Based on the use cases stored in UCDB we are trying to obtain a typical profile of a use-case-based requirements specification. Because some of the requirements specification stored in our database cannot be used explicitly by other researchers (e.g. some of them are confident and some of them are in Polish), we are trying to develop Referential Specification. This specification has a near-typical profile, that means that its properties is more or less what you can expect to find in real projects. It can be used for benchmarking tools for use-case analysis (you can find example in both papers: CEE-SET'08 and CAI) or you can use it to investigate whether specification you have is something typically observed in projects or not.
Right now we have following versions of the Referential Specification:
- Based on UCDB version 2.0:
- Based on UCDB version 1.0: