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Supporting Use-Case ReviewsAlicja Ciemniewska, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Łukasz Olek (2007) In: 10th International Conference on Business Information Systems, vol. 4439, pp. 424-437, Springer Verlag. LNCS. |
Use cases are a popular way of specifying functional requirements of computer-based systems. Each use case contains a sequence of steps which are described with a natural language. Use cases, as any other description of functional requirements, must go through a review process to check their quality. The problem is that such reviews are time consuming. Moreover, effectiveness of a review depends on quality of the submitted document - if a document contains many easy-to-detect defects, then reviewers tend to find those simple defects and they feel exempted from working hard to detect difficult defects. To solve the problem it is proposed to augment a requirements management tool with a detector that would find easy-to-detect defects automatically.
This work has been financially supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education under grant N516 001 31/0269 |