Document Actions
Towards Use-Cases BenchmarkBartosz Alchimowicz, Jakub Jurkiewicz, Jerzy Nawrocki, and Mirosław Ochodek (2011) In: Software Engineering Techniques: Third IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference, CEE-SET 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, October 2008, Revised Selected Papers, ed. by Huzar Z., Koci R., Meyer B., Walter B., Zendulka J., vol. 4980, pp. 20-33, Springer Verlag. Lecture Notest in Computer Science. |
In the paper an approach to developing a use-cases benchmark is presented. The benchmark itself is a referential use-case-based requirements specification, which has a typical profile observed in real projects. To obtain this profile an extensive analysis of 432 use cases coming from 11 projects was performed.
Because the developed specification represents those found in real projects, it might be used in order to present, test, and verify methods and tools for use-case analysis. This is especially important because industrial specifications are in most cases confident, and they might not be used by researchers who would like to replicate studies performed by their colleagues.
This work has been financially supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education under grant N516 001 31/0269 |