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Research Grants

Here is a list of research grants we have received in last years

Research project "Software Size and Effort Estimation at Early Stages of the Software Development Projects" is operating within the Foundation for Polish Science Ventures Programme co-financed by the EU European Regional Development Fund. Its aim is to deliver software size and effort estimation methods and tools, which can be used also at early stages of software development projects.
Research Grant N516 001 31/0269
The aim of the project was to develop methods associated with Requirements Engineering for the use of use cases to generate acceptance tests and providing effort estimation base on them. Functional requirements, as the specification of the system built, are very widely used in projects. They are, for instance, a basis for creating acceptance tests and estimating the effort. As a result of the grant we wanted to develop a method (and mechanisms) which can be used to generate the automated test scripts and estimate project effort based on use cases. Developed methods and tools support the XPrince methodology developed at the Institute of Computing Science of Poznan University of Technology, which aims at balancing agility and discipline in the software projects.
Research Grant BW 91/0
Research Grant 4 T11F 001 23
The main aim of this reasearch was to provide quantitative characteristics of XP guideliness. Based on results we wanted to develop a new software development methodology, which would be also light and flexible but on the other hand it would conform requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and SW-CMMI. The main beneficents of this project were small and medium software development companies interested in improving their processes and receiving ISO and CMMI certificates.
Wsparcie stypendialne dla doktorantów na kierunkach uznanych za strategiczne z punku widzenia rozwoju Wielkopolski
Research Grant NCN 2011/03/N/ST6/03016
The purpose of this research is to increase the efficiency of creation of a user manual.
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